Family Guy Wiki
  • The actual annual awards ceremony for the American pornographic film industry is the Adult Video News Awards.
  • Woody nominees for best musical score include Walter Murphy and Ron Jones, both of whom have scored Family Guy episodes, and John Williams, famous for his many science fiction and fantasy cinematic scores.
  • Michael Eisner, whose car Brian washes, will appear later in the season in “Screwed the Pooch” and “Family Guy Viewer Mail,” in the fourth season episode “Brian the Bachelor,” and in the fourth season episode “The Courtship of Stewie's Father.” Ricardo appears again in "You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives."
  • When Stewie is auditioning for "Kids Say The Darndest Things", he says Peter is 42. But in the episode "Death Has a Shadow", Peter says "I didn't fart till I was thirty," while a cutaway shows him as being thirty in the seventies. This would make him around the age of sixty when this episode aired. Peter would later be said to be 43 in "The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou".
  • Among the stars that Brian lampoons are Val Kilmer and Kevin Costner, Keanu Reeves, and Oprah Winfrey.
  • On the set of Brian’s film, Stewie asks: “Does anyone else smell Astroglide?”, mentioning a lubricant commonly used in pornographic movies. Also, Chris asks if Samuel L. Jackson is in the film, since “he’s in everything,” a nod to Jackson’s reputation as the “hardest working man in Hollywood. Jackson is, in fact, in the film.
  • While hypnotized by Bill Cosby, Stewie says Cosby’s film Ghost Dad was the greatest movie since Leonard Part 6 another Cosby film. He also says he likes pudding; beginning in the 1970s, Cosby had been the spokesperson for Jell-O Pudding.
  • Jasper comes back from Club Med with a Filipino boyfriend, admitting to Brian that he is a rice queen.
  • While on the line with his phone company, Peter hears the 1977 Barry Manilow song “Looks Like We Made It”.
  • Just before his Kids Say appearance, Stewie tries to guess whether Rob Lowe is gay or straight.
  • The script that Brian reads supposedly resembles Bang the Drum Slowly, “except the drum’s a chick.”
  • Bill Cosby mentions playing "Buck, Buck" as a child. "Buck, Buck" is a track on Cosby's 1967 album Revenge, in which he describes playing the game as a child. [1]
  • John Williams is nominated for Best Score in an Adult Film, as well as Family Guy composers Ron Jones and Walter Murphy. Williams is nominated for a lavish orchestral score (one of Williams’ trademarks) whereas the Jones and Murphy scores are performed on synthesizer. Ron Jeremy announces the nominees.

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