Family Guy Wiki

Whaaa? is a running gag related to a reaction usually made by Chris Griffin. The gag is usually used when Chris finds out something shocking, reacts as if it's no big deal and then shouts "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?"

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Bucks[]

Chris finds out that he can never see his father again. He says, "Yeah, of course he will, that's very—Whaaaaaaaaaaa?"

Jungle Love[]

Chris finds out that because he made the whole tribe dance, he is to be married and he says, "Well, if you're happy then I'm happy, because after all — Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?"

Bill and Peter's Bogus Journey[]

Peter walks in on Lois and Bill Clinton after sex, then Peter says, "Hey, Bill, you up for a little bowling? I swiped some money from Lois' purse, but I don't think she'll notice because she's here-- HUMPING YOU??!!!"

Dial Meg for Murder[]

Meg Whaaaa

Meg finds out she's going to prison for keeping Luke, to which her reaction is, "Well, that's only fair, because after all, I did hide him from the—Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?"

Something, Something, Something, Dark Side[]

Chris does it again, this time as Luke Skywalker, when he finds out that Darth Vader (Stewie) is his father. So he says, "Well, I don't see how that affects at a—Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?"

Partial Terms of Endearment[]

When Lois starts to introduce a jealous Peter to an old college flame, Peter responds with "If he tries anything I'm going to kick him right in the balllllll---gina?" When he sees it's Lois' female friend Naomi.

Bookie of the Year[]

While working on his Spanish studies, Peter approaches Chris about throwing a championship baseball game. To help him, he relays the request in Spanish and Chris replies in kind, but quickly realizes the request is not just a passing interest in his activities, finishing with "¿Queeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?."

Yacht Rocky[]

When Peter finds out that someone has to be fired at the Pawtucket Brewery in front of the staff, he responds with "Whaaa?", putting a slightly different emphasis in the word. A baseball umpire from an earlier gag throws him out for using an old joke and the two argue if the slight change in tone puts a fresher spin on it.

Boys & Squirrels[]

During couples therapy after losing a baby squirrel, Stewie not only repeats the 'Cool Whip' gag, but also reacts to Chris with "Whaaa?"
