Family Guy Wiki
  • Five wheelchair symbols are arranged like the Olympic Rings to create a logo for the Special People's Games. The games are a parody of the Special Olympics.
  • After Stewie threatens to do to Brian “what I did to John Lennon,” implying he shot Lennon, a flashback shows Stewie introducing Lennon to Yoko Ono, referring to the notion that Ono led to the breakup of the Beatles.
  • While Stewie tries to get the money clip, the dollars are replaced by a green book.
  • Peter scratches his chin, then, horrified, removes it with his hand, asks aloud "How did these get up here?" and puts it in his pants. This is a nod to the apparent similarity of Peter's chin to a scrotum. It was later mentioned in "PTV" with one of the FCC agents telling the other that "His chin looks like balls.", and in "Ocean's Three and a Half" when two drunk children appear at Peter's door and claim the same thing.
  • During the car wash they are raising money to help provide Chris's classmate with a new lung. However, while drinking at the pub, Cleveland says that Joe helped the student receive a new liver.
  • In this episode, Cleveland Brown Jr. makes a very quick appearance at the beginning. He is seen for less than a second when the neighbors cheer for the money that they have raised; it's the first time he has been seen since he ran off, kicking a golf ball in "Fore Father".
  • This episode reveals how the monkey in Chris’s closet became evil. Apparently, the monkey came home one day from work, and his monkey wife was sleeping with another monkey. This was later confirmed in "Hannah Banana".
  • In the scene where Peter sneaks into Goldman's pharmacy to steal the steroids, Mort is heard singing "I Got a Name" by Jim Croce.

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